A Listing of the Muon DAQ Processes

(for system experts)

To start the Muon DAQ process, you first need to get to the proper place as the proper user. Follow these steps:
  1. Login to an hb-sun as user hbshift. If you don't have the password, then ask. Someone close by probably knows it. Also, remember if you are telneting to hb-sun from another account to use xhost + on your login account, so you can call the graphic user interfaces (GUIs).
  2. From the AFS hbshift account, type cd sa_MUON which places you in the Muon sub-directory. Do not go into another sa_ sub-directory and try to start taking data! These contain routines for running other subdetectors. Many of the commands for running the other subdetectors are the SAME. You can start another detector if you are in their directory! Don't do this! Use pwd if you are unsure of what directory you are in.
  3. Please don't remove or kill any files in this directory until you are 1000% sure it is ok. If you accidently kill any useful file(s), please inform the appropriate people or DAQ expert to have them reinstall it.
  4. Now that you are in the proper directory, there are a host of commands you can use. They are listed here. We don't guarantee that anything actually works, and we reserve the right to change anything at any time for either the improvement of the programs, the ease of their use, or our own amusement.
Command Description
Starts the daq by performing the following functions:
  • initializes communication between the hb-sun and hb-vme40, the Muon fast control crate.
  • creates an EMG partition (memory block for storing data) called eva_muon.
  • starts the Muon Daq GUI, which is used for starting and stopping a run. To start or stop a run simply press the button Change State. You don't need to press any other button on this display.
Ends the daq by performing the following functions:
  • stops communication between the hb-sun and hb-vme40.
  • removes the EMG partition eva_muon.
  • stops the Muon Daq GUI. Note that you can shut down the GUI from the interface itself, but this may not perform the other functions of setdown.
Calls the archiving routine. It first asks some questions for an info file. After that's complete, it saves the data to a file. It uses archive -C -Geva_muon -parchive.par. The data file is written to the directory /hb/muon/DATA_RUN98/.

You're given 3 ways to try and stop this rountine. They are

  • .stoparchive,
  • kill `kp archive`, or
  • you can look up the process id with ps and kill the process id.
another script file to call the archiving routine.
mon [n] Data taking monitor. This will show you the status of event taken on every nth event. The default value for n is 10.
reads events from shared memory to the screen
reads events from file <filename> to the screen
display raw data

muondump fixes some bugs in dumpev. It also shows the FED ids in hexdecimal and '.' for the zero count readout.

Use Ctrl-C to stop dumpev, and .killmuondump to stop muondump.

provides an xterm window with information from daq processes. Options to erwin can be viewed by adding -help.
List partitions in shared memory. Used to see if eva_muon is actually created.
Process parameter list. You can use this to change the BX number.
GUI process directory. Used to list and remove processes running on the Hera-B experiment. The muon fast control crate is hb-vme40. We also use hb-vme32 and hb-con07 for ASD threshold setting. Do not remove processes from other hosts.
GUI name directory. Used to list process in the DAQ. When taking data, you should find some MUON processes
Unix command to report process status. Used to list processes running on the hb-sun machine.
Unix command to report inter-process communication facilities status. Used to examine the shared memory on the hb-sun machine.
Unix command to report inter-process communication facilities removal. Used to remove shared memory on the hb-sun machine. This is normally not needed. You should know which block you are running before trying this.