
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class moBase : public StyledCanvas

int dontDisplay() int dontDisplay(const TNtuple* nt) bool electronsIn() Stat_t entries() Stat_t entries(const TNtuple* nt) double lumiloop(Int_t skip) double lumiloop() void mkbxnt(char* format) void mknt(char* format) void mksisnt(char* format) int oneWireIsIn() void ovbpmmain() void ovcimain() void ovloglin() void ovmain() void ovpmain() void ovredisplay() void ovresetmain() bool protonsIn() bool wireIsIn(int num) public:
moBase moBase(char* CanvasName, char* CanvasID, int x1 = 0, int y1 = 0, int x2 = 651, int y2 = 500, bool batch = false) moBase moBase(const moBase& m) virtual void ~moBase() void BXJudyovs(char* date) void BXJudyovsNext() void BXMDMpovs(char* date) void BXMDMpovsNext() void BXov(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void BXov(char* ID, Int_t skip = 30) void BXovs(char* date) void BXovsNext() void BXShowAllDBFiles() void BXSShowAllDBFiles() void BXVetoovs(char* date) void BXVetoovsNext() void CIov(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void CIov(char* ID, Int_t skip = 30) void CIstability(char* aStart, char* aEnd, Int_t skip = 30) void CIstability(char* ID, Int_t skip = 30) static TClass* Class() void fillData() void fillDataP() const char* getNTFileName(char* aId) const void H1ov(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void H1ov(char* ID, Int_t skip = 30) virtual TClass* IsA() const void lumi(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void makent(char* aId, char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 1) void makentp(char* aId, char* start, char* end) void meania(char* start, char* end, float mini, float maxi) char* NTFormatString() char* NTPFormatString() void ov(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void ov(char* ID, Int_t skip = 30) void ovbpm(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void ovci(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void ovlinrate() void ovlograte() void ovmoverange(double aMin, double aMax) void ovnext() void ovp(char* start, char* end, int wire = 0) void ovp(DateRange& aDR, int wire = 0) void ovp(int aPos, int wire = 0) void ovposrange(double aMin, double aMax) void ovraterange(double aMin, double aMax) void ovreset() void ovSetPosOffset(double w0, double w1, double w2, double w3, double w4, double w5, double w6, double w7) void rwLine(double start = 0, double end = 1000) void rwLineAbs(double start = 0, double end = 1000) void scan(char* aStart, char* aEnd) void scanrequirewire(int num) void scanshow() void secs(char* dat) void ShowAllDBFiles() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void SISov(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 1) void SISShowAllDBFiles() void SISspec(char* date) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void test() void ZeusHermesov(char* start, char* end, Int_t skip = 30) void ZeusHermesov(char* ID, Int_t skip = 30)

Data Members

Date pStartDate Date pEndDate Date pSpectrumDate int pDBSkip TNtuple* pnt TNtuple* pBXnt TNtuple* pSISnt TTree* ptree target_t data void* SIS void* BXS void* BX void* DB void* Hera void* HBDB DateRangeList pDRL double pOvMaxMove double pOvMinMove double pOvMaxPos double pOvMinPos double pOvMaxRate double pOvMinRate int pOvLogRate int pOvWire double pPosOffset[8] enum moBase:: pOvWhat TH1F* phRate used for 1 dim rate distribution plots public:
static const enum moBase:: ovDef static const enum moBase:: ovPrecise static const enum moBase:: ovBpm char CNTFormatString[2048] char CNTFileName[256] TFile* rootFilePtr

See also

Expert, mo

Class Description

* Class moBase                                        *
*                                                     *

moBase(char *CanvasID, char *CanvasName, int x1=0, int y1=0, int x2=651, int y2=500, bool batch=false) : StyledCanvas(CanvasID, CanvasName, x1, y1, x2, y2, batch)
 The main constructor.
 As it is derived from StyledCanvas, one has to give a canvas Id as well as a canvas name,
 which is then displayed as the title of the canvas window. What could also be given
 is the position of the canvas window on the screen, though some default values are
 Besides setting up the canvas window, the main constructor also initializes the different
 DBTableIterators, i.e. TargetTableIterator, BXTableIterator, BXSTableIterator,
 SISTableIterator, HeraTableIterator, and HBDBTableIterator.

moBase(const moBase& m) : StyledCanvas (m)
 Default Copy Constructor.
 Implemented just as an empty method.
 If you need it, build it carefully!

void test()
 for testing. not implemented.

void secs(char *dat)

void mknt(char *format)
 build a new ntuple named mnt.
 the new ntuple is accessible in moBase via (TNtuple*)pnt.
 you have to give a ntuple format string for booking.

void mkbxnt(char *format)
 build a new bx ntuple named mbxnt.
 the new ntuple is accessible in moBase via (TNtuple*)pBXnt.
 you have to give a ntuple format string for booking.

void mksisnt(char *format)
 build a new sis ntuple named msisnt.
 the new ntuple is accessible in moBase via (TNtuple*)pSISnt.
 you have to give an ntuple format string for booking.

Stat_t entries()
 get the number of entries stored in the standard ntuple.

Stat_t entries (const TNtuple *nt)
 get the number of entries stored in the ntuple given by the argument.

int dontDisplay()

int dontDisplay (const TNtuple *nt)

void scan(char *aStart, char* aEnd)

void scanshow()

bool wireIsIn(int num)
 Check wether wire with number num is inserted.
 The following cuts are applied:
 A wire is inserted if wire position > -10mm and interaction rate > 10kHz.
 Returns: true if wire is inserted, otherwise false.

int oneWireIsIn ()
 Checks wether at least one wire is in.
 Returns wire number (0..7) in case a single wire is in, -1 if no wire inserted,
 8 if it is a multiwire configuration.

bool protonsIn ()
 Checks wether protons are in the machine.
 The following cuts are apllied:
 proton current > 10mA and proton energy > 920 GeV.
 returns true in case protons are in the machine,
 otherwise false.

bool electronsIn()
 Checks for electrons in the machine.
 Cuts are applied as follows:
 electron current > 5mA and electron energy > 20 GeV.
 returns true in case electrons are in the machine,
 otherwise false.

void scanrequirewire(int num)

double lumiloop(Int_t skip)

double lumiloop()

void lumi(char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)

void meania(char *start, char *end, float mini, float maxi)

void ovci(char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)

void ovp(char *start, char *end, int wire=0)

void ovp(DateRange &aDR, int wire=0)

void ovp(int aPos, int wire=0)

void ov(char *ID, Int_t skip=30)
 The Standard Overview Plot (rootnt version).
 Plot the interaction/background-rates for the given ntuple, as well as the wire

void ov(char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)
 The Standard Overview Plot (database version).
 Plot the interaction/background-rates for the given ntuple, as well as the wire

void ovbpm(char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)

void ovreset()

void ovnext()

void ovlograte()

void ovlinrate()

void ovraterange(double aMin, double aMax)

void ovposrange(double aMin, double aMax)

void ovmoverange(double aMin, double aMax)

void ovresetmain()

void ovSetPosOffset(double w0, double w1, double w2, double w3, double w4, double w5, double w6, double w7)

void ovredisplay()

void ovloglin()

void ovcimain()

void ovmain()

void ovpmain()

void ovbpmmain()

void ShowAllDBFiles ()
 Simply prints out a list of all found database files in rising order.
 For debugging purposes.

void SISspec (char *aDate)
 Plot the frequency spectrum of the given date.
 Obsolete. Don't use it.

void BXovs (char *aDate)
 Shows the bunch spectrum of the interaction rate at the given date.
 The 220 HERA buckets are divided into 4 bins each, since the
 resolution of the FADC system is 24 ns.

void BXovsNext ()
 Once moBase::BXovs() was called,
 this method shows the next-in-time bunch spectrum
 of the interaction rate.

void BXVetoovs (char *aDate)
 Shows the bunch spectrum of the target veto counters.
 The 220 buckets are divided into 4 bins each because of
 the 24ns resolution of the FADC system.

void BXVetoovsNext ()
 Once moBase::BXVetoovsNext() was called,
 this method shows the next veto bunch spectrum.

void BXJudyovs (char *aDate)
 Shows the 1GHz Flash-ADC spectrum of the interaction rate.
 It consists of 8192 bins in total.

void BXJudyovsNext ()
 Once moBase::BXJudyovsNext() has been called,
 this method shows the next-in-time 1GHz spectrum.

void BXMDMpovs (char *aDate)
 Shows the bunch spectrum of the HERA proton current measurement.

void BXMDMpovsNext ()
 Shows the next-in-time spectrum of the HERA proton current
 measurement. Can only be called after moBase::MXMDMpovsNext()
 was used.

void BXov (char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)
 This is the overview plot for bunch-related topics such as
 coasting beam (database version).
 Just give the startdate and enddate. The optional skip
 parameter is used to several entries in the database.
 Default is 30.

void BXov (char *ID, Int_t skip=30)
 The bunch-related overview plot (rootnt version).
 Just give a root-file identifier and and optional
 skip parameter.

void BXShowAllDBFiles ()
 Lists all bunch database files currently available on disk.

void BXSShowAllDBFiles()
 Lists all bunch database files currently available on disk.

char* NTFormatString()
 Auxiliary method to put together the ntuple description for

char* NTPFormatString()
 Auxiliary method to put together the ntuple information used by

void fillDataP()
 Auxililary fill method used by moBase::makentp().

void fillData()
 Auxiliary fill method used by moBase::makent().

const char* getNTFileName(char *aId)
 Auxililary method to determine the filename used to
 store ntuples produced by moBase::makent().

void makent(char *aId, char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=1)
 Produce a standard ntuple out of the target and bunch databases.
 The ntuple (in fact a ROOT tree) is written to the file
 ./rootnt/seven_aID.root, where aID is the identifier given as
 the first argument of this method.
 start and end are strings to determine the start and end date of
 the desired time period.
 skip denotes an optional skip parameter used to leave out several
 database entries with each fetch.

void makentp(char *aId, char *start, char *end)
 Produce a standard ntuple out of the target and bunch
 databases. This method is similar to moBase::makent(),
 except that 1/10 seconds-information is written to
 the ntuple.

void SISov (char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=1)
 Produce an overview plot out of the gated scalers database.

void SISShowAllDBFiles ()
 Lists all gated scalers database files currently available on disk.

void rwLineAbs(double start, double end)

void rwLine(double start, double end)

void CIov(char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)
 Standard CI overview plot (database version).
 Produce a overview plot showing not only the interaction rate and
 background rates for the given time interval, but also all charge integrator
 rates for the wires in use.

void CIov (char *ID, Int_t skip=30)
 Standard CI overview plot (rootnt version).
 Produce a overview plot showing not only the interaction rate and
 background rates for the given ntuple file, but also all charge integrator
 rates for the wires in use.

void CIstability (char *aStart, char *aEnd, Int_t skip=30)
 The CI stability plot (database version)
 Shows the charge integrators' stabiliy as an histogram centered
 around 1 for all wires in use.

void CIstability (char *ID, Int_t skip=30)
 The CI stability plot (rootnt version)
 Shows the charge integrators' stabiliy as an histogram centered
 around 1 for all wires in use.

void ZeusHermesov (char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)
 This is the ZeusHermes Overview plot (database version).
 All you have to give is the start and end time of the run.

void H1ov (char *start, char *end, Int_t skip=30)
 This is the H1 Overview plot (database version).
 All you have to give is the start and end time of the run.

void ZeusHermesov (char *ID, Int_t skip=30)
 The ZeusHermes overview plot (rootnt version).
 Just give the ID of your Ntuple.

void H1ov (char *ID, Int_t skip=30)
 The H1 overview plot (rootnt version).
 Just give the ID of your Ntuple.

Inline Functions

            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void ~moBase()

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