Explanation of database entries in the /TARGET database 02.11.2000 msymalla@mail.desy.de ----------------------------------------------------------- Name Title / Fields explanation ----------------------------------------------------------- creme/Align Alignment constants float:alignRad radial alignment [mm], a1,b1,i1,o1,a2,b2,i2,o2 float:alignZ z positions [mm] float:endswitch endswitch position [mm] creme/Ana Online Analysis float:iamean mean interaction rate [MHz]( from last 10 measuremnts) float:iaerr rate width [MHz] float:tareff target efficiency [%] creme/Auto Automatic Parameters double:autorate selected automatic rate [MHz] byte:wsel selected wires int:autotype automatic type creme/Calf Calibration factors float:acceptance F1, h1-4 float:CIped charge integrator pedestal float:CIcalf " " calibration factor creme/Data Data float:pos wire positions [mm] float:rates HC, VC, CI, spare float:ia-mean mean interaction rate [MHz] (from target) float:bg-mean mean background rate [MHz] (from target) short:bpm BPMWRym, BPMWRxm, BPMWLym, BPMWLxm float:posSIG wire pos. in beam sigma, incl. rad. alignment float:wrates wire rates [MHz] creme/Datex Online Analysis float:iadist mean,width !! corrupt !! float:eff efficiency !! " creme/Exp other experiments H1/ HERMES/ ZEUS float:h1lumi ushort:FPSrates byte:FPSstatus ushort:FPSpos ushort:Bg float:slumi ushort:c5rates ushort:FLTrates byte:LPSstat ushort:LPSpos ushort:c5short ushort:LPSrates ushort:bgRates float:pDis creme/Lumi Lumi double:targLumi integrated number of interactions (target) double:intLumi integrated number of interactions double:lumi lumi incl. crossections... creme/ford bunch Data float:bunF1 F1 bunch spectrum float:bunVC veto bunch spectrum float:bx amount of bunched interactions[%] float:nbx amount of non-bunched interactions[%] float:effbunches number of effective bunches creme/hera HERA und HB-Magnet ushort:energy Ep, Ee float:currtau p_tau, p_curr, e_tau, e_curr, IpBX float:emitt ushort:colrates collimator rates ushort:colpos collimator positions short:bpmx BPWR10x, BPWL24x short:bpmy BPWR10y, BPWL24y float:herabmagnet