HERA-B Target Data Base Description

HERA-B Target Data Base Description


This page was modified last: Jun. 1th 1997 by Carsten Hast

On May. 31st 1997 C.H. added the database entry and description for target/hera Label-11 and added the year to the run number counts
On Apr. 8th 1997 C.H. revised the description
On Oct. 21st 1996 C.H. added the description for target/herabmagne and target/herabvacuu

On this page a description of our Target Database is given. Here you find the present data format and some major changes which have been made during this year. Please refer to our run protocolls to be informed about spezialities.
The general data flow is like this:
Our Target VME writes target data to a database file which is completed by additional information from Hera, Zeus, H1, and Hermes via a Netmex Client Program.

These data are initially written to the database server hb-con04:33322 and a subset (IA-rate, Positions, p_tau etc.) is online copied to the server hera-b:11111
The complete database file is copied to our central hera-b computer, volume /hbd4/target_97/database typically the day after.

If you want to access these data you should follow this gide line:

Online Situation, i.e: we are taking data and you want to see the actual status
Actual database files are locked by the database server hb-con04:33322. You may access data via tablex or some c-code with calls to this server. You should not overload the server with too often calls, since the online target needs are allready 10 requests/s!
If you just want to see our rates, wirepositions or eg. background at the other experiments I recommend to use the following program on any hb-con.. computer: /home/hbwire/running/information/HeraInfo. It is pure ASCII and looks awfull at the beginning (you get trained) but has the advantage to show all gathered information on one page. There is even a description which includes some other hints how to access data out of databases.
For an online display please use our copied data on the hera-b. Please change to the following hera-b directory /home/x4u/hbwire/information/TargetDisplay and start the program "TargetDisplay" to see a regularily updated rate and position display. In addition our actual target efficiency is shown.

The entries into the Target Data Base are the following:

  • Last update: Oct-21-96 Carsten Hast
    Last update: Dec-16-97 Torsten Jagla