HERA-B Infrastructure:

Cables, Cable Chains


Cables (latest update: 13/07/01)

A list of halogen-free cables, which can be purchased in the DESY central store, was prepared.

The cable laying for HERA-B was organized by G. Knust, who stopped to work for us because he is on a pension now. Kai Ludwig is taking care of the cable installation (ludwig@hera-b.desy.de, Tel. DESY 2842). In close collaboration with the subsystems a detailed list of all cables connecting the detector with the electronics trailer was prepared. These are the official cable lists of HERA-B being updated frequently. The subsystem coordinators have to check this list and report any problems, changes etc.

Cables purchased by DESY (8/7/98)
Cables for target (18/7/97)
Cables for VDS (16/7/97)
Cables for high-pt (3/3/98)
Cables for inner tracker (12/5/98)
Cables for outer tracker (13/7/01)
Cables for RICH (25/7/97)
Cables for TRD (3/3/98)
Cables for ECAL (17/7/97)
Cables for MUON (23/2/98)
Cables for slow control (6/3/98)
Cables for temperature meas. (21/7/97)
Length and labels of high voltage cables (26/2/98)
Length and labels of SHARC cables (13/07/99)


Cable Chains (latest update: 22/5/97)

8 different cable chains have been ordered to guide the cables and tubes from the experiment to the electronics container. The ninth chain will house the water pipes and electrical cables for the trailer. Chain 10 will guide the gas tubes which come from the outside gas hut via shaft 152 and go into the electronics container. Details and the actual estimate of the width of the cable chains can be found in Cross section of cables.

The different installation scenarios determining the length of the chains are depicted in installation scenarios for the different detector platforms.


Edited by J. Spengler, latest update 13/07/01