
This manual together with its links is intended to provide all information needed by the shift crew to set up and run the Hera-B Spectrometer, know if it is functioning correctly and know what to do when it isn't.

Important note

Some of the pages in this manual should not be available outside the collaboration, particularly the online log, and are therefore protected. You will need to enter a username and password. The necessary information can be found on the inside front cover of the HERA-B (paper) log book.


The document is divided into sections. Each section should explain what is needed to perform some set of tasks or operate a subsystem.

As I write this, the document is nothing more than a framework containing very little useful information. Each detector group will be asked to appoint a responsible person for shift documentation. That person should see to it that the necessary documentation is generated.

The manual contains a few scripts for entering information into the online log and for posting online bulletins. At the moment, anyone knowing the password can use them. If this proves to be a problem, we will have to impose further restrictions.

In addition to subsections for each subdetector, the following pages are available:

Instructions for authors

I'm not in a position to fix the style absolutely now. The following are recommendations which I hope will be debated. Hopefully we can agree on a reasonably consistent style on the time scale of a week or two.

Once again, the main purpose of the document is to give the shift crew the information needed to run the detector. The instructions should be clear and concise and limited to explanations of "what to do", leaving the "how it works" part to other documents. Of course, links to the "how it works" documents would be useful.

The style should be as uniform as possible across the subdetectors. Avoid fancy decorations since this compromises upload time. Use graphics if you need to but, again, keep in mind the upload time. Follow this link to an example.

The page should start with the title followed by the name, e-mail and phone number of the person maintaining the document. Following this should be a link to a file containing the name and phone number(s) of the current on-call expert. The files containing the current online experts are, for the most part, in the directory /hb/www/doc/subgroup/shiftinfo/sub/oncall. This directory is group-writable (as are most of the files in it) so it can be easily changed. (This has its advantages and its disadvantages...) It is up to each subgroup to keep the information in the oncall file up to date. After the link to the on-call expert, put instructions of what to do in case the on-call expert is unreachable. Note that the style of the default on-call page is not mandatory. For some groups, it will be easier to maintain the shift schedule on this page. Just be sure that all the needed information is there and that it is clearly presented.

Next, a table of contents, with links into the same page for each item listed. The items given in the example are for illustration, however I think that most of the categories are common across detectors (DAQ, target, triggers are clear exceptions). It makes sense to attempt a common framework. A lot of instructions must be generated and absorbed by the shift crew. A uniform format should help digestion. Follow the table of contents by the body of the document. Each section should end with a link to the top of the page.

Location of files

All of the instruction sheets should be local to DESY, preferably on the hera-b www server. The reason for wanting to keep the files local to DESY is to minimize upload time and to improve reliability (hopefully).

Revision History:

The dim beginnings.
First release.
No more mention of the ftp tree