SLT Steering tables


steering Table




Values / Comments

TGS Empty_bx_veto 0=off / 1=on
skip empty bunch crossings
TGS Hot_bx_veto 0=off / 1=on
skip hot (more entries as average) bunch crossing
TGS fakeMode 0=off / 1=on
fake tracks in flt_if
TGS fakeRoIMode 0=off / 1=on
fake hits in RoI's in map.c,
use only with fakeMode=1
TGS ForceAccept 10000
force acceptance of 1 in ForceAccept+1 events,
all events entering the program are considered.
Set to a negative value to disable.
TGS SLT_l2mode 0=noITR (inner tracker excluded)
1=noPIX (pixel chambers excluded)
2=noITRPIX (ITR and PIXEL excluded)
3=FULL (all included)
4=noITRALALL (all MS excluded but PIX incl.)
5=noITRATALLPIX (all MS and PIX excl.)
PretDec flt_active 0=off / 1=on
flt RoI's taken as seedings
PretDec pret_active 0=off / 1=on
PreTrig RoI's taken as seedings for slicer
2FLT-2SLT mode: flt_active=1 / pret_active=0
1FLT-2SLT mode: flt_active=1 / pret_active=1
PretDec muon_2ndtdu 0=PreTrig from MUPRESIM / 1=PreTrig from 2ndtdu
PretDec ecal_2ndtdu 0=PreTrig from CARE / 1=PreTrig from 2ndtdu
PretDec n_flt_feds 2 (default no to be changed;
for 2000: n_flt_feds=0)
Nr. of FLT_FED's used
PretDec fed_flt_index 0 (default, not to be changed)
FED index for FLT information
PretDec fed_pret_index 1 (default, not to be changed)
FED index for PreTrig information
PretDec ecal_eff_run 0=off / 1= ECAL efficiency run
SLT_l2trig algoEnable bin code to select various part of SLT algo,
127=all algo's used, 1=nothing included
2^1: slicer, 2^2: RefitX, 2^3: RefitY,
2^4: magnet, 2^5: silicon, 2^6: Vertexing
SLT_slicer EmptySLs 1
max. Nr. of empty SuperLayers
SLT_slicer Min_hits 9
min. Nr. of hits required of one out of
the 64 possible RoI combinations
SLT_slicer SL_check_mask bin cod to exclude a chamber,
63=all in, 0=all out
PC1: 2^0, PC2: 2^1, PC3: 2^2, PC4: 2^3,
TC1: 2^4, TC2: 2^5, all incl.: (111111)
SLT_refit holes_in_series 2
max. Nr. of empty layers in series
SLT_refit spln_exclude -1.00=all super-layers included
index for super-layer to be excluded
SLT_refit chisq_max 5.0
chi^2 cut for Refitx and Refity routine
SLT_refit RoIshrinkFactor 1.0
factor to change size of RoI (not used)
SLT_vertex Chisq 20.0
chi^2 cut for vertex routine
SLT_vertex Dxy 1.0
radial cut for vertex routine
SLT_vertex Dz 0.5
z cut for vertex routine
SLT_vertex Impact 0.04
impact parameter cut for vertex routine
SLT_l2trig VertexMask 0=Vertex cut not active
2^0=common Vertex
2^1=detaced Vertex
2^0+2^1: both used
have to be in agreement with algoEnable (=127)
SLT_l2trig SingleTrigScale 1
SLT_l2trig ForceAccept 400
Force acceptance of 1 in ForceAccept+1 events,
all events entering slt algo are considered.
Set to a negative value to disable.
INTER_dec rich_active 0=excluded / 1=active Rich for interaction trig
INTER_dec ecal_active 0=excluded / 1=active ECAL for interaction trig
INTER_dec vds_active 0=excluded / 1=active VDS for interaction trig
INTER_dec or_trigger 0=and / 1=or mode:
detector parts selected above for interac. trig
INTER_rich Trans_mode 0=off / 1=on for RICH transparent mode:
decision stored, but event not rejected
INTER_rich richCut 20
min. Nr. of RICH hits for interaction trigger
INTER_ecal Trans_mode 0=off / 1=on for ECAL transparent mode:
decision stored, but event not rejected
INTER_ecal eCut 1.0
min. Energy in ECAL for interaction trigger (GeV)
INTER_vds Trans_mode 0=off / 1=on for VDS transparent mode:
decision stored, but event not rejected
INTER_vds vdsCut 0
min. size of hte VDS fed

******************************* Steering Table TTAB ****************************

(first part)
name    | fcs flt slt control presc ec ga mu hp ec_h ga_h mu_h hp_h pt   pt_hi
mumu    | 0   1   2   19        0   0  0  2  0  0    0    0    0    1.0  0.0  
ee      | 0   1   2   18        0   2  0  0  0  0    0    0    0    1.0  0.0  
emu     | 0   1   2   18      100   1  0  1  0  0    0    0    0    1.0  0.0  
hipt_mu | 0   1   1    2      100   0  0  1  0  0    0    0    0    1.0  0.0  
hipt_e  | 0   1   1    2        0   1  0  0  0  0    0    0    0    1.0  0.0  

(second part)
--------+---- .... ------------------------------
name    | fcs .... pt_hi mass ip_lo ip_hi dz_vtx
--------+---- .... ------------------------------
mumu    | 0   .... 0.0   2.0   40.0  0.0   0.0
ee      | 0   .... 0.0   2.0   40.0  0.0   0.0
emu     | 0   .... 0.0   2.0   40.0  0.0   0.0
hipt_mu | 0   .... 0.0   2.0   40.0  0.0   0.0
hipt_e  | 0   .... 0.0   2.0   40.0  0.0   0.0
--------+---- .... ------------------------------

explanations for cuts used: 

  for double mode: mumu / ee / emu: (di-Lepton triggers)
                         18: corresponding trigger mode is not active
                         19: corresponding trigger mode is activated
  for single mode: hipt_mu / hipt_e: (single hi_pt el or mu tracks required)
                         2: corresponding trigger mode is not active
                         3: corresponding trigger mode is activated

  pt cut in GeV for the SLT-track found;
  pt of track has to be above

  cut on the invariant mass of the trigger pair
  has to be above

  distance cut, distance between the two track candidates;
  distance has to be above

----> the other cuts are not used any more, since the database would have
      to be changed, the definition of the table has been kept


Martin zur Nedden, Humboldt University of Berlin
Last modified: Mon Aug 12 11:56:19 MEST 2002