ARTE-01-08-r1 release note

The new version ARTE-01-08 is available now

The link ARTE-01-08 -> ARTE-01-08-r1 is set .

External MIZZI and CLHEP packages are used in this version.
Please take care to have them installed on your machine and to set the necessary environment variables
(see bin/hbprofile.template and hbprofile in Hamburg and Zeuthen)

The features of ARTE-01-08-r1:

Distributive file ARTE-01-08-r1.tar.gz (1.8 MB) and more documentation are available from WEB.

The following codes were changed:
arte , bin , calb , care , dd , digi , gean , geo , kuip , marple , pyth , rang , reco , user , v0fit , vt