MARPLE prototypes

included by marple.hh header file
extern int matchMARPLEVdsEcal
switch to invoke match SVD-ECAL algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLEVdsRich
switch to invoke match SVD-RICH algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLEOtrRich
switch to invoke match OTR-RICH algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLEEcalRich
switch to invoke match ECAL-RICH algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLEVdsOtr
switch to invoke match SVD-OTR algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLEVdsPc
switch to invoke match SVD-PC algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLEOtrEcal
switch to invoke match OTR-ECAL algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int matchMARPLERtraRich
switch to invoke match Rtra-Rich algorithm from RCEVNT, set by kuip command
extern int const c_matrix_pack[5][5]
constants used for pack and unpack covariant matrix ( C/C++ style )
extern int const fortran_matrix_pack[5][5]
constants used for pack and unpack covariant matrix ( FORTRAN style )
extern int const c_rotation_matrix[3][3]
constants used for pack and unpack GTAR rotation matrix ( C/C++ style )
extern int const fortran_rotation_matrix[3][3]
constants used for pack and unpack GTAR rotation matrix ( FORTRAN style )
extern HepDouble const MARPLE_INFINITY
Infinity constant for covariant matrix elements
extern HepDouble const MARPLE_NEGLIGIBLE
value is supposed to be equal 0 if it less that MARPLE_NEGLIGIBLE
extern short MARPLE_DEBUG
level of MARPLE printout, -1 means no printout at all
extern short MARPLE_MAKERSEG
if equals 1 MARPLE save information to RSEG bank
extern short MARPLE_SOFT
if it set to 1 the softest cuts are choosen to see corelation between parts
extern short MARPLE_BKGR
if it set to 1 marple takes combinations from different events.
extern float MARPLE_RISEID
cut on Particle ID of RISE rings matched. Presented in terms of sigmas squared
extern std::vector <RcMsOfGesl> msGeslList
vector of average Multiple Scattering Angle of superlayers (GESL), created by marpleinit_()
extern C extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( marpleinit)()
marple initialization
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( marplestop)()
marple function which should be called at the end of program
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( marplekuip)()
marple kuip commands
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( matchrsersf )(int *Rse1, int *Rse2, int *Rsf1, int *Rsf2)
does match between two sets of segments [Rse1,Rse2] & [Rsf1,Rsf2]
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( matchsvdmt )()
does match between SVD and Main Tracker segments magnet ON/OFF
extern RcMatchConst rcSvdMtConst
object with parameters for matchsvdmt_()
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( matchsvdot )()
does match between SVD and Outer Tracker segments magnet ON
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( matchsvdpc )()
does match between SVD and first point of PC segments magnet ON
extern RcMatchConst rcSvdOtConst
object with parameters for matchsvdot_()
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE (matchsvdecal)( float * threshold_cut )
does match between SVD segments and ECAL clusters, magnet ON/OFF
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE (matchsenomag)( float * threshold_cut )
does match between SVD segments and ECAL clusters, magnet OFF
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE (matchrichecal)( float * threshold_cut, float * minCherenkov_angle)
does match between RICH segments and ECAL clusters, magnet ON/OFF
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE (matchsvdrich)()
does match between SVD and RICH segments, magnet ON/OFF
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( matchotrrich )()
does match between Outer Tracker and RICH segments magnet ON
extern void FORTRAN_ROUTINE ( matchotrecal )()
does match between Outer Tracker and ECAL clusters
extern int maTakeRccl(float threshold, ArtePointer<RCCL> rccl )
check threshold cuts for RCCL
extern int maRichSegment( ArtePointer<RSEG> rseg )
check that segment has a RICH type (filled by RISE)
The following header files are also included by marple.hh. All of them are used by MARPLE package.
Please note that RcMatchBuilder.hh should be included separately!

  1. STL class :
    #include <vector.h>

    set of CLHEP classes :
    #include <CLHEP/Utilities/fortran.h>
    #include <CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h>
    #include <CLHEP/Matrix/DiagMatrix.h>
    #include <CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h>
    #include <CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h>

  2. special MARPLE classes
    #include "RcMsOfGesl.hh"
    #include "RcMatchConst.h"
    #include "RcLimit.h"

  3. RcPoint class family
    #include "RcPoint.hh"
    #include "RcSegPoint.hh"
    #include "RcTraPoint.hh"
    #include "RcClusPoint.hh"
    #include "RcMatchPoint.hh"

  4. to do match -- INCLUDE RcMatchBuilder.hh SEPARATELY !!!

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

Olya Igonkina November-2001

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