FAQ page for prism

*                                                               *
*     FAQ    Frequently Asked Questions about prism             *
*                                                               *
*     Updated  24-Apr-96      Rainer Mankel                     *
*                                                               *

1. Q: Why do some MC tracks seem to perform a wavelike zigzag course
      through the magnet ?
   A: The Monte Carlo impact points spanning a MC track inside arte
      are not sorted in the sequence as they are generated by Geant 
      but according to increasing z. This means that for spiralling 
      low momentum particles, the causal connectedness of the hits 
      is lost. This is a property of arte/hbgean, not of prism.

2. Q: How can I get a larger graphics window ?
   A: Just increase your graphics window with the mouse. The next 
      redraw (eg. issued by display/draw) will take the new screen
      borders into account.

3. Q: Why can't I display TRD or RICH signals ?
   A: Currently the data structures in arte do either not exist or are
      not filled. Once the information exists, it should be easy to
      implement them in the current program structure.

4. Q: How can I store a command sequence I would like to repeat
      frequently ?
   A: Put it into a .kumac (KUIP macro) file. If you type the name of
      the macro, which should not coincide with a command, prism/arte looks
      first in the current directory and then in the directory
      ./hbbin for the matching .kumac file and executes it.

Last change: 24-Apr-96 RM