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Initialization: in Arte 4.3 and 4.4, the ranger initialization is not yet done automatically. The user must therefore make sure that the routines tfkuip() and tfinit() are called prior to the first reconstruction task, eg. in the user routine usinit(). In future, Arte should take care of this.

In the final release, reconstruction will be automatic and the user need only specify if he wants it done or not. At present, it may be very useful to be able to specify what level of reconstruction should be performed.

The level of reconstruction should be selected by setting the variable rlevel_zfpar before the first invocation of ranger, but after invoking tfinit(). This can be done in the routine usinit():

      subroutine usinit()
      implicit none
#include ""
      call tfkuip()  ! if not yet done by Arte
      call tfinit()  !         "
      rlevel_zfpar = 0 ! for ranger/ideal
The meaning of rlevel_zfpar is:
      rlevel_zfpar = 0 ! use ranger/ideal [default]
                     1 ! use ranger/triplet (zero degree layers only)
                     2 !         "          (3D track segment)
                     3 ! use ranger/triplet and ranger/magnet

Event processing: in Arte 4.3 and 4.4, the ranger event processing is not yet called automatically. The user must therefore call ranger explicitly:

      subroutine usevnt()
      call tfevnt() ! call ranger event processing
Note: in ranger 4.6, tfevnt() was still called tfmain(). In future versions of Arte, ranger should automatically be called inside rcevnt().

Tayloring ranger/ideal: normally the `fast' reconstruction selects charged MC particles above 1 GeV with at least 30 Hits in the z range from 0 to 1500cm. You can taylor this behaviour by calling the routine tfideal directly instead of tfevnt():

      call tfideal(p_min,hit_min,z_min,z_max,elec_corr)
      real p_min,               ! fit tracks with p>p_min
     +     z_min,               ! select hits with z>z_min
     +     z_max                !              and z<z_max
      integer hit_min,          ! fit tracks with nhit>hit_min
     +        elec_corr         ! electron bremsstrahlung corr flag:
                                !    =-1  no correction
                                !    = 0  use default
                                !    =+1  apply correction

Rainer Mankel
Wed Feb 12 13:34:24 MET 1997