Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 15:54:26 +0100 (MET) From: Dmitri Goloubkov To: Robert Pernack Cc: Dmitri Goloubkov Subject: rp0667_run20679 a la repro 4 Dear Robert, here you are, * * Arte-r5 (a la repro 4) reconstruction with * stand-alone RISE: * iofile mini_in_edir $HBROOT/DATAMGR/.rp0667_RunCatalog -gi * or just iofile mini_in_edir /hb/mini15/data/REAL/02/exp04/mini/run20679/rp0667_run20679.idx -gi io/dcache on io/fpath '/hb/mini*:/acs/test' * keybook 28 /key_table keytable * ... i hope, nothing else... ANd, if you would be willing to check also the mini produced by the old Arte-r3 executable with that old kumac of Jose, before i start the reco a la repro 3, you can take a look at /hb/scratch/week/dimgol/arte_tests/rp_25643/ But since i don't expect anything to go wrong there, please don't bother yourself checking it.. Cheers, D. ___________ P.S. the two important details for the reasons of bookkeeping: build directory: /afs/ kumac: rp0667_run20679.kumac P.P.S. The reco with standalone RISE a la repro 3 will be rp0668, and also stored in /acs/test/data/REAL/02/exp04/mini/run20679/ . For reconstruction i'll take the standard Arte-r3 + the 5 patches executable left from Sr. Jose and the kumac will be called rp0668_run20679.kumac, and the keybook version should be 27 in case anyone cares...