struct BEAM

beam geometry.

[more]float x
x-position of beam center.
[more]float y
y-position of beam center.
[more]float z
z-position of beam center.
[more]float dx
beam width along the axis x-prime .
[more]float dy
beam width along the axis y-prime .
[more]float dt
beam time width .
[more]float time
mean time value for generation .
[more]int tsw
MC time smearing switch: on -> ne.


beam geometry.
ofloat x
x-position of beam center.

ofloat y
y-position of beam center.

ofloat z
z-position of beam center.

ofloat dx
beam width along the axis x-prime .

ofloat dy
beam width along the axis y-prime .

ofloat dt
beam time width .

ofloat time
mean time value for generation .

oint tsw
MC time smearing switch: on -> ne. 0 .

Alphabetic index

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