struct CPDW

riCh: riCh Single Planar MIrror.

[more]float orig[3]
lower left corner.
[more]float xvec[3]
horizontal dimension * x-direction.
[more]float yvec[3]
vertical dimension * y-direction.
[more]float t
thickness of the window.
[more]int imat
material: row in table CDIM.


riCh: riCh Single Planar MIrror.

CPDW: riCh Photon Detector Window

The Photon Detector Window has a rectangular box with horizontal dimension (along the x-axis) hdim and with a vertical dimension (along the y-axis) vdim. The orientation in space is describe by the assigned coordinate system. The origin is positioned on the surface, which is in contact with the radiator gas. imat points to the row in the table CDIM, where the properties of the dielectric material are stored.

ofloat orig[3]
lower left corner.

ofloat xvec[3]
horizontal dimension * x-direction.

ofloat yvec[3]
vertical dimension * y-direction.

ofloat t
thickness of the window.

oint imat
material: row in table CDIM.

Alphabetic index

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