struct ECHF

Ecal readout CHannel Calibration table (Fast).

[more]int stat
status of the channel: bit field.
[more]float pedf
PEDestal Fast .
[more]float wid
Pedestal width.
[more]float sens
Sensitivity in GeV/ADC channel.
[more]float esen
Error on sensitivity in GeV/ADC channel.


Ecal readout CHannel Calibration table (Fast).

Fast update rate

oint stat
status of the channel: bit field.

see $HB/dev/care/include/ECHF_status.hh

ofloat pedf
PEDestal Fast .

ofloat wid
Pedestal width.

ofloat sens
Sensitivity in GeV/ADC channel.

ofloat esen
Error on sensitivity in GeV/ADC channel.

Alphabetic index

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