struct GCAL

detector geometry: calorimeter or scintill.

[more]int ncl
number of subsectors per block.
[more]int sec
block number within the superlayer (packed).
[more]float xmin
x of the left edge of the block.
[more]float xmax
y of the right edge.
[more]float ymin
y of the lower edge.
[more]float ymax
y of the upper edge.
[more]float zmin
z of the front side.
[more]float zmax
z of the rear side.
[more]float xmad
additional word for complicated shapes.
[more]float ymad
additional word for complicated shapes.
[more]float zmad
additional word for complicated shapes.
[more]float eff
light efficiency.
[more]float ms
multiple scattering angle for 1 GeV particles.
[more]int cmp
detector component (see table GESL).
[more]ArtePointer<GESL> gesl
one super-layer <-> many detector planes.
[more]ArtePointer<GMAT> gmat
one material <-> many detector planes.
[more]char gvol[4]
Geant volume name.
[more]int fcl
first cell of given module in GCCE.
[more]int mim1
first MIMP.
[more]int miml
last MIMP.
[more]int dig1
first DIGB.
[more]int digl
last DIGB.
[more]int hit1
first HITB.
[more]int hitl
last HITB.


detector geometry: calorimeter or scintill. blocks.
oint ncl
number of subsectors per block.

1: outer calorimeter - block division 1*1 2: middle calorimeter - block division 2*2 5: inner calorimeter - block division 5*5

oint sec
block number within the superlayer (packed).

ofloat xmin
x of the left edge of the block.

ofloat xmax
y of the right edge.

ofloat ymin
y of the lower edge.

ofloat ymax
y of the upper edge.

ofloat zmin
z of the front side.

ofloat zmax
z of the rear side.

ofloat xmad
additional word for complicated shapes.

ofloat ymad
additional word for complicated shapes.

ofloat zmad
additional word for complicated shapes.

ofloat eff
light efficiency.

ofloat ms
multiple scattering angle for 1 GeV particles.

oint cmp
detector component (see table GESL).

oArtePointer<GESL> gesl
one super-layer <-> many detector planes.

oArtePointer<GMAT> gmat
one material <-> many detector planes.

ochar gvol[4]
Geant volume name.

oint fcl
first cell of given module in GCCE.

oint mim1
first MIMP.

oint miml
last MIMP.

oint dig1
first DIGB.

oint digl
last DIGB.

oint hit1
first HITB.

oint hitl
last HITB.

Alphabetic index

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