struct GWAL


[more]int shp
detector shape.
[more]float xmin
x of the left edge.
[more]float xmax
y of the right edge.
[more]float ymin
y of the lower edge.
[more]float ymax
y of the upper edge.
[more]float zmin
z of the front side.
[more]float zmax
z of the rear side.
[more]float xmad
additional word for complicated shapes.
[more]float ymad
additional word for complicated shapes.
[more]float zmad
additional word for complicated shapes.
[more]float rot[9]
3 by 3 rotation matrix.
[more]float ms
multiple scattering angle **2 for 1 GeV particles.
[more]int nsl
number of sublayers in a segment.
[more]ArtePointer<GESL> gesl
one super-layer <-> many walls.
[more]ArtePointer<GMAT> gmat
one material <-> many walls.
[more]char gvol[4]
Geant volume name (up to 4 characters).
[more]float dedx
energy loss of a mip in the given wall.


oint shp
detector shape.

ofloat xmin
x of the left edge.

ofloat xmax
y of the right edge.

ofloat ymin
y of the lower edge.

ofloat ymax
y of the upper edge.

ofloat zmin
z of the front side.

ofloat zmax
z of the rear side.

ofloat xmad
additional word for complicated shapes.

ofloat ymad
additional word for complicated shapes.

ofloat zmad
additional word for complicated shapes.

ofloat rot[9]
3 by 3 rotation matrix.

ofloat ms
multiple scattering angle **2 for 1 GeV particles.

oint nsl
number of sublayers in a segment.

oArtePointer<GESL> gesl
one super-layer <-> many walls.

oArtePointer<GMAT> gmat
one material <-> many walls.

ochar gvol[4]
Geant volume name (up to 4 characters).

ofloat dedx
energy loss of a mip in the given wall.

Alphabetic index

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