struct HITC

hits in ECAL.

[more]float x
x coordinate.
[more]float y
y coordinate (for pad chambers only).
[more]float q
[more]float r
energy resolution.
[more]ArtePointer<GCCE> gcce
detector cell.
[more]float adc
ADC value read (-pedestal) .
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<RTHC,RTRA> rtra
many hits to many tracks.
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<MCHC,MCAL> mcal
many ECAL impact points to many hits.
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<RCHC,RCCL> rccl
many clusters to many ECAL hitc.


hits in ECAL.
ofloat x
x coordinate.

ofloat y
y coordinate (for pad chambers only).

ofloat q

ofloat r
energy resolution.

oArtePointer<GCCE> gcce
detector cell.

ofloat adc
ADC value read (-pedestal) .

oArteManRelationPointer<RTHC,RTRA> rtra
many hits to many tracks.

oArteManRelationPointer<MCHC,MCAL> mcal
many ECAL impact points to many hits.

oArteManRelationPointer<RCHC,RCCL> rccl
many clusters to many ECAL hitc.

Alphabetic index

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