struct MCAL

MC calorimeter energy deposition.

[more]float de
energy release of particle in the given block.
[more]int gcal
block plane in table GCAL.
[more]ArtePointer<MTRA> mtra
one MTRA to many MCAL.
[more]ArteInvManRelationPointer<MCHC,HITC> hitc
many hits to many MC impact points.


MC calorimeter energy deposition.
ofloat de
energy release of particle in the given block.

oint gcal
block plane in table GCAL.

oArtePointer<MTRA> mtra
one MTRA to many MCAL.

oArteInvManRelationPointer<MCHC,HITC> hitc
many hits to many MC impact points.

Alphabetic index

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