struct NGHD

header for the nominal detector geometry.

[more]float geom
version number for the geometry constants.
[more]float gean
version number of the hbgean program producing.
[more]int date
[more]int time
[more]float gevs[32]
version number for the geometry constants.


header for the nominal detector geometry.
ofloat geom
version number for the geometry constants.

ofloat gean
version number of the hbgean program producing.

the constants

oint date

oint time

ofloat gevs[32]
version number for the geometry constants.

the vector is given by gehd.geom(LGESL_... ,I) LGESL_MOTH = 30 = overall geometry = datt geom LGESL_RPOT = 29 = Roman Pot LGESL_TAR = 11 = target LGESL_SIL = 1 = SVD LGESL_SML = 16 = Silicon in magnet LGESL_MAG = 28 = Magnet elements' LGESL_FLD = 12 = magnetic field LGESL_PPIP = 27 = Proton beam pipe LGESL_EPIP = 26 = Electron beam pipe LGESL_WCH = 2 = OTR LGESL_MSG = 3 = ITR LGESL_PTC = 4 = PTL LGESL_RIC = 5 = RICH LGESL_TRSL = 24 = TRD LGESL_ECA = 7 = ECA LGESL_MUON = 25 = MUON System LGESL_HOD1 = 13 = new trigger hodoscope LGESL_HOD2 = 14 = trigger hodoscope LGESL_HOD3 = 15 = last (in z) hodoscope

Alphabetic index

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