struct NTAR

target geometry.

[more]int cmp
wire material.
[more]int wnr
wire number.
[more]float dx
wire thickness along the axis x .
[more]float dy
wire thickness along the axis y.
[more]float dz
wire thickness along the axis z.
[more]float x
x-position of wire center.
[more]float y
y-position of wire center.
[more]float z
z-position of wire center.
[more]float rot[9]
3*3 rotation matrix wire system to lab system.
[more]float ms
multiple scattering angle for 1 GeV particles.
[more]float x0bm
maximum of vertex distribution in x direction.
[more]float y0bm
maximum of vertex distribution in y direction.
[more]float sxbm
width of vertex distribution in x direction.
[more]float sybm
width of vertex distribution in y direction.
[more]int shap
shape integer (same as in GEDE).
[more]char name[4]
Station and wire name - 1i,1o,2t,2b for.
[more]float eff
effectivity (eff = 0.


target geometry.
oint cmp
wire material.

oint wnr
wire number.

ofloat dx
wire thickness along the axis x .

ofloat dy
wire thickness along the axis y.

ofloat dz
wire thickness along the axis z.

ofloat x
x-position of wire center.

ofloat y
y-position of wire center.

ofloat z
z-position of wire center.

ofloat rot[9]
3*3 rotation matrix wire system to lab system.

ofloat ms
multiple scattering angle for 1 GeV particles.

ofloat x0bm
maximum of vertex distribution in x direction.

ofloat y0bm
maximum of vertex distribution in y direction.

ofloat sxbm
width of vertex distribution in x direction.

ofloat sybm
width of vertex distribution in y direction.

oint shap
shape integer (same as in GEDE).

ochar name[4]
Station and wire name - 1i,1o,2t,2b for.

Station 1 inner, 1 outer, 2 top 2, bottom etc

ofloat eff
effectivity (eff = 0. means wire out).

Alphabetic index

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