struct OTGL

OT global constants.

[more]int gede
number of rows in GEDE related to OT(=2485).
[more]int mchn
maximal number of channel(wire)/gede row (=128).
[more]int medb
method of storage of time-space relations in DB.
[more]int meth
method of storage of time-space relations in OTTS.
[more]int knot
number of knots for tabulation(=129).
[more]float wvel
signal propagation velocity on wire (=282 cm/ns).
[more]float vd[2]
[0] average drift velocity for 5mm (=001 cm/ns).
[more]float vdmf[2]
[0] 5mm in magnet.
[more]float fele
electronic resolution in ns (=08).
[more]float ntdc
ns per one TDC count (=039 ns/tdc count).
[more]float fatt
fraction of electrons that reach the wire (=025).
[more]float damp
charge seen by the amplifier (=02).
[more]float db
parameter of Polya distribution (=1222).
[more]float dqe
elementary charge (=1602e-19).
[more]float dlam
doubled primary ionization density (=102.
[more]float xtcl
probability of x-talk through cell'.
[more]float xtre
readout circuit.


OT global constants.
oint gede
number of rows in GEDE related to OT(=2485).

oint mchn
maximal number of channel(wire)/gede row (=128).

oint medb
method of storage of time-space relations in DB.

=0, coefficients of splines (default)

oint meth
method of storage of time-space relations in OTTS.

=0, tabulated form ,TDC=0,1,2, ... 256(default) =1, , uniform binning of TDC =2, , arbitrary

oint knot
number of knots for tabulation(=129).

ofloat wvel
signal propagation velocity on wire (=282 cm/ns).

ofloat vd[2]
[0] average drift velocity for 5mm (=001 cm/ns).

[1] 10mm

ofloat vdmf[2]
[0] 5mm in magnet.

[1] 10mm in magnet

ofloat fele
electronic resolution in ns (=08).

ofloat ntdc
ns per one TDC count (=039 ns/tdc count).

ofloat fatt
fraction of electrons that reach the wire (=025).

ofloat damp
charge seen by the amplifier (=02).

ofloat db
parameter of Polya distribution (=1222).

ofloat dqe
elementary charge (=1602e-19).

ofloat dlam
doubled primary ionization density (=102. 1/cm).

ofloat xtcl
probability of x-talk through cell'.

ofloat xtre
readout circuit.

Alphabetic index

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