struct RHIT

fitted hits in all detectors except ECAL.

[more]float x
x coordinate.
[more]float y
y coordinate.
[more]float tx
px / pz.
[more]float ty
py / pz.
[more]float p
1 / p signed according to charge.
[more]float q
quantity (detector dependent).
[more]float w
weight function of hit (usage dependent).
[more]ArtePointer<RTRA> rtra
track number.
[more]ArtePointer<HITB> hitb
one fitted hit to one measured hit.
[more]ArtePointer<RSEG> rseg
one track segment to many reconstr.


fitted hits in all detectors except ECAL.
ofloat x
x coordinate.

ofloat y
y coordinate.

ofloat tx
px / pz.

ofloat ty
py / pz.

ofloat p
1 / p signed according to charge.

ofloat q
quantity (detector dependent).

ofloat w
weight function of hit (usage dependent).

oArtePointer<RTRA> rtra
track number.

oArtePointer<HITB> hitb
one fitted hit to one measured hit.

oArtePointer<RSEG> rseg
one track segment to many reconstr. hits.

Alphabetic index

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