struct RSEG

reconstructed track segments.

[more]float zf
z coordinate at begin of track.
[more]float xf
x coordinate.
[more]float yf
y coordinate.
[more]float txf
px / pz.
[more]float tyf
py / pz.
[more]float pf
1/p (signed according to charge).
[more]float cvf[15]
covariance matrix of parameters at first point.
[more]float time
time in ns.
[more]float dtim
error on time.
[more]float ze
z coordinate at end of track.
[more]float xe
x coordinate.
[more]float ye
y coordinate.
[more]float txe
px / pz.
[more]float tye
py / pz.
[more]float pe
1/p (signed according to charge).
[more]float cve[15]
covariance matrix of parameters at end point.
[more]float chi
chi**2 of fit.
[more]int fit
fit flag.
[more]int cmp
detector component (bit flags ?).
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<RTRS,RTRA> rtra
many track segments to one track.
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<RSRS,RSEG> rbeg
many track segments at the begin of.
[more]int err
error flag.
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<RCRS,RCCL> rccl
many track segments to many ECAL clusters.
[more]ArteManRelationPointer<MTRS,MTRA> mtra
many MC tracks to many track segments.
[more]int nhit
number of hits.
[more]int npar
number of parameters: NDGF = NHIT - NPAR.
[more]ArteInvManRelationPointer<RSHI,HITB> hitb
many hits to many track segments.
[more]ArteInvOneRelationPointer<RSRP,RPNT> rpnt
many track segment to many reconstructed points.
[more]ArteInvOneRelationPointer<RSRH,RHIT> rhit
one track segment to many reconstr.
[more]ArteInvManRelationPointer<RSRS,RSEG> rend
many track segments at the end of.


reconstructed track segments.
ofloat zf
z coordinate at begin of track.

ofloat xf
x coordinate.

ofloat yf
y coordinate.

ofloat txf
px / pz.

ofloat tyf
py / pz.

ofloat pf
1/p (signed according to charge).

ofloat cvf[15]
covariance matrix of parameters at first point.

ofloat time
time in ns.

ofloat dtim
error on time.

ofloat ze
z coordinate at end of track.

z=0: end of track is not determined

ofloat xe
x coordinate.

ofloat ye
y coordinate.

ofloat txe
px / pz.

ofloat tye
py / pz.

ofloat pe
1/p (signed according to charge).

ofloat cve[15]
covariance matrix of parameters at end point.

ofloat chi
chi**2 of fit.

oint fit
fit flag.

0: reconstructed charged track segment 1: reconstructed momentum to main vertex 2: reconstructed short decay 3: reconstructed long decay 4: conversion (from tracks) 5: space point (no angular measurements) 6: neutral particle (from ECAL) 7: match segment 8: charged particle direction (from RICH) 9: track seed (eg from TC area) 10: conversion direction (from RICH) 12: seeded ring (from RICH) 13: seeded gamma conversion (from RICH)

oint cmp
detector component (bit flags ?).

oArteManRelationPointer<RTRS,RTRA> rtra
many track segments to one track.

oArteManRelationPointer<RSRS,RSEG> rbeg
many track segments at the begin of.

this segment to many segments

oint err
error flag.

oArteManRelationPointer<RCRS,RCCL> rccl
many track segments to many ECAL clusters.

oArteManRelationPointer<MTRS,MTRA> mtra
many MC tracks to many track segments.

oint nhit
number of hits.

oint npar
number of parameters: NDGF = NHIT - NPAR.

oArteInvManRelationPointer<RSHI,HITB> hitb
many hits to many track segments.

oArteInvOneRelationPointer<RSRP,RPNT> rpnt
many track segment to many reconstructed points.

oArteInvOneRelationPointer<RSRH,RHIT> rhit
one track segment to many reconstr. hits.

oArteInvManRelationPointer<RSRS,RSEG> rend
many track segments at the end of.

this segment to many segments

Alphabetic index

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