struct RSLA

SLT track output.

[more]int itra
Absolute track number (= FLT track number).
[more]int flag
Flag for track accepts (= 1 if ACC).
[more]float flt2[5]
FLT RoI on TC2 (x2,y2,z2,x2_err,y2_err).
[more]float flt1[5]
FLT RoI on PC1 (x1,y1,z1,x1_err,y1_err).
[more]float slox
Track slope after refit-xz.
[more]float intx
Track intercept after refit-xz.
[more]float covx[3]
Covariance matrix after refit-xz.
[more]float sloy
Track slope after refit-yz.
[more]float inty
Track intercept after refit-yz.
[more]float covy[3]
Covariance matrix after refit-yz.
[more]int nhit
Number of hits in full refit.
[more]float chi
Chisquare of full refit.
[more]float p
momentum estimate.
[more]float tx
Track x-slope after l2sili.
[more]float ty
Track y-slope after l2sili.
[more]float bx
Track x-intercept after l2sili.
[more]float by
Track y-intercept after l2sili.
[more]int hitx
Hits in x-view used in l2sili.
[more]int hity
Hits in y-view used in l2sili.
[more]float xchi
Chisquare in x-view in l2sili.
[more]float ychi
Chisquare in y-view in l2sili.
[more]float xcov[3]
Covariance matrix for x-view in l2sili.
[more]float ycov[3]
Covariance matrix for y-view in l2sili.
[more]int id
Track ID.


SLT track output.
oint itra
Absolute track number (= FLT track number).

oint flag
Flag for track accepts (= 1 if ACC).

ofloat flt2[5]
FLT RoI on TC2 (x2,y2,z2,x2_err,y2_err).

ofloat flt1[5]
FLT RoI on PC1 (x1,y1,z1,x1_err,y1_err).

ofloat slox
Track slope after refit-xz.

ofloat intx
Track intercept after refit-xz.

ofloat covx[3]
Covariance matrix after refit-xz.

ofloat sloy
Track slope after refit-yz.

ofloat inty
Track intercept after refit-yz.

ofloat covy[3]
Covariance matrix after refit-yz.

oint nhit
Number of hits in full refit.

ofloat chi
Chisquare of full refit.

ofloat p
momentum estimate.

ofloat tx
Track x-slope after l2sili.

ofloat ty
Track y-slope after l2sili.

ofloat bx
Track x-intercept after l2sili.

ofloat by
Track y-intercept after l2sili.

oint hitx
Hits in x-view used in l2sili.

oint hity
Hits in y-view used in l2sili.

ofloat xchi
Chisquare in x-view in l2sili.

ofloat ychi
Chisquare in y-view in l2sili.

ofloat xcov[3]
Covariance matrix for x-view in l2sili.

ofloat ycov[3]
Covariance matrix for y-view in l2sili.

oint id
Track ID.

Alphabetic index

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