The Database client slow control interface



int SlcTableSizept(slct, itime) 
 SlcTable   *slct;

 int        *itime;


    Finds the number of updates between the two revision numbers

  slct:       The SlcTable object as returned by SlcBookTable 
  itime:      A four integer array, int itime[4], with the initial and 
              final revision numbers, itime[0]= major of the first revision 
              number, itime[1]= minor of the first revision number
              itime[2]= major of the second revision number and 
              itime[3]= minor of the second number.

Return Value

          The number of updates found, or on error:
             -1 if slct is not a valid object 
             -2 if it can not open the database 


      Directly performed on the database server if an rpmdbserver is used

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