
Jose Hernandez

Last updated:  by D.G.

Reprocessing 2002 minbias runs No 6

Reprocessing 2002/2003 runs No 5

Reprocessing 2002 runs No. 4

Reprocessing 2002/2003 runs No. 3

Old Reprocessings
Small Reprocessings

Useful tools

  • Getting run statistics:

  • Use the tool /afs/
    Type l4tDB -h to see the usage. Use the -repro option to specify the reprocessing number. -repro:0 displays the statistics of the first reconstruction of the runs (online reconstruction + offline processing using the online reconstruction conditions). If no option -repro is given, the statistics corresponding to the last reprocessing of each run is displayed.
  • Getting runs in the run catalog:

  • Use the tool /afs/
    For a given reprocessing number, it displays the runs that can be accessed via the run catalog in the kumac.
  • Data Quality Hitograms:

  • The root files containing the DQ histograms produced during the reprocessing and reprocessing tets can be found in /hb/database/DQ/DQ_HISTOS_REP/. The subdirectories there correspond to the different reprocessing numbers and runs. Within a run there are several DQ files corresponding to the different CnA keys of that run.
    Use the  /afs/ program to browse the DQ histograms.
  • Getting CnA keys and keytables for a given run:

  • /afs/ <runnr>
    /afs/ <runnr> <keyrelease>
  • Get from database the reprocessing kumac:

  • Enter below run number and repro number (enter 0 as repro number to get the kumac used for the online reconstruction). If the run or repro numbers are invalid or the kumac is not in the DB you'll get nothing in the browser
    Run number:  Repro Number:

    See also: