Monte Carlo Resources

Here you will find information about MC related computing and data storage issues.

MC Computing

Generation and digitization of MC data is a very computing time consuming process. Reconstruction of these data is usually less time consuming. This has some consequences:

MC Data Storage

All mass produced MC data is stored on tape at DESY HH. Distinct tape pools are used for 2002, 2000, and earlier data. These are accessed through the following symbolic paths:

/acs/mc5 2002/2003 analysis (new)
/acs/mc4 2002/2003 analysis (closed)
/acs/mc3 2000 analysis
/acs/mc2 ?? analysis
/acs/mc ?? analysis

Please follow the naming conventions for directories and files when putting data into the pools.

Last change: 03-Feb-2004 by Herbert Kapitza